Réjeanne LeBlanc Hypnotherapist in La Prairie and by Video
Réjeanne LeBlanc - Therapeutic Hypnoss and Coaching in La Prairie

Réjeanne LeBlanc

Hypnotherapy and NLP Life Coaching
In La Prairie (Montreal South Shore) and by Video

Practitioner in Hypnosis

Certified Professional Coach in NLP

Trainer in Hypnosis and NLP at the EFPHQ

Practitioner in Neuro-semantics

Certified mBraning Coach

Adults / Teenagers / Children

  Quebec Insurance Receipts – Naturopathy

  ANN Member

  English / French

Specific skills

Welcome in kindness with an active and empathetic listening

Gentle coaching in an environment of absolute confidentiality.

Hypnotherapy and Individual Coaching

  • Definition and achievement of objectives
  • Performance, Concentration, Creativity
  • Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem and Self-Image
  • Emotion Management
  • Stress Management
  • Sleep disorders
  • Change management

Consultations in La Prairie – Réjeanne LeBlanc

1503 chemin de Saint-Jean, Suite 206
La Prairie, QC J5R 2L8

Sessions with Réjeanne LeBlanc:

Approximately 1 hour – $130 taxes included

Insurance receipts (Quebec) : ANN – Naturopathy

Receipts for counselling (which includes our discipline) are NOT accepted by Industrial Alliance nor by Canada Vie / Canada Life.
We suggest that you check your coverage in advance with your insurance.

My motivation to be a “Hypno-Coach”

 “Communication and creativity are an integral part of my personality.
I participated in the creation of many Radio programs and in parallel, I pursued university studies (history, communication) because I am curious by nature and I have many interests.
I continue to follow multiple trainings and I will be able to choose the tools and techniques best suited to your needs, in order to open your field of possibilities to achieve your objectives.
Just like a mountain guide, I accompany you by offering you different tracks so that you can find the most suitable route.”
Réjeanne LeBlanc

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Training and affiliations

Practitioner in Hypnosis
Graduate of the EFPHQ – École de Formation Professionnelle en Hypnose du Québec

Certified Professional Coach in NLP
Graduate of the CQPNL – Centre Québécois de Programmation-Neuro-Linguistique

Practitioner in Neuros semantics
Basic Level, Level 1 and 2 – International Society of Neuro-Semantics

Certified mBraning
Coach mBit International

Trainer in Hypnosis and NLP at the EFPHQ

Member ANN
National Association of Naturopaths
Insurance Receipts

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