Hypnosis to FORGET an EX

Hypnosis to FORGET an EX

When a romantic relationship ends, it can be difficult to move on. Memories, emotions and attachments persist, preventing us from moving serenely towards a new stage of life.

If the pain of separation prevents you from moving forward, therapeutic hypnosis can be a very interesting solution to help you better turn the page.

If you are suffering or have dark thoughts, if you are in a toxic relationship or a victim of manipulation, consider seeing a doctor or psychologist as soon as possible.

Hypnosis to FORGET an EX

Why is it so difficult to forget an ex?

A breakup leads to a deep emotional upheaval and several factors can combine and come into play to prevent us from turning the page even if we rationally want to:

  • Emotional attachment :
    Emotional bonds created over time – even unsatisfying or sometimes even toxic ones – don’t disappear instantly. We are social animals and being surrounded by people gives us social security and reassures us that we are appreciated.
  • Habits and the weight of memories :
    The breakup will destabilize our life routines. Certain places, music, situations can revive the memory of the ex-partner and good times spent together…
    And we risk filtering our memories by forgetting the reasons for the breakup. Especially if the other person is still around us and/or puts pressure on us to resume the relationship.
  • Fear of loneliness and social impact:
    Beyond the emotional emptiness, the absence of the other person can generate embarrassment or a social emptiness: How to handle going out alone? To say and make the break official or not? Especially if those around you value life as a couple, or if your social networks constantly show you images of supposedly perfect couples.

Hypnosis to forget an ex? Is this really the objective?

Our clients will often use the expression “forget my ex” or talk about getting out of “emotional dependence” in relation to a relationship that has ended or is ending.

But “forgetting” is impossible and each life experience – even painful – is a source of learning about oneself, about others…

So rather than forget…

What if hypnosis could help you grieve this relationship?

To clarify what you want and strengthen your willpower.

To keep the positive but clearly to put this page of life at a distance and overcome pain, regrets, nostalgia…  and find more serenity?

What if it was time to strengthen your self-esteem and self-confidence and to clarify what you want in your emotional life and in a romantic partner?

Hypnosis to get over a break-up

Laura has managed to free herself from a difficult relationship

Laura, 32, had managed to get out of a difficult five-year relationship and despite the breakup, she still felt a deep attachment and could not project herself into the future.

During the hypnosis sessions, she worked on:

  • Emotionally detaching herself from her ex.
  • Regaining confidence in herself and in her choices.
  • Realizing that she deserved a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

To finally feel free, serene and be ready to welcome a new story.

Hypnosis, a powerful tool for reprogramming the unconscious

Therapeutic hypnosis is a technique that allows us to access the unconscious, where our emotions, memories and beliefs are stored.
Through an altered state of consciousness, we become more “flexible” to:

  • Change negative thought patterns.
  • Lower the emotional intensity of certain painful situations.
  • Emotionally detach ourselves from the ex-partner, strengthen our will to keep the other person at a distance.
  • Strengthen self-esteem and confidence in the future.

How does hypnosis work to help detach yourself from a relationship and turn the page?

During the sessions, your hypnotherapist will guide you into a state of deep relaxation.

In this state, the unconscious mind is more receptive to positive suggestions, allowing you to:

Emotionally dissociate from the relationship:
To regain a more lucid vision of the past relationship and soothe the intensity of the pain and emotional lack.
And by working to change your inner dialogue – the story you tell yourself internally – and lighten certain emotions (guilt, regret, sadness, anger…)

Strengthen your self-image:
By dissociating facts and emotions, separating what is within your control and what is not, working on self-love and emotional independence, the breakup becomes an opportunity for personal evolution and self-discovery.

Create new positive anchors:
By replacing the recurring thoughts related to the ex with mental images and feelings linked to a serene and fulfilled future, by developing the ability to let go, to allow you to be open to a healthier and more balanced future relationship.

Of course, we are here to listen to you but we are not psychologists or psychotherapists, If you think that your suffering is related to trauma or your family past, consider consulting a psychologist.

Hypnosis to get over a break-up

Hypnosis to FORGET an EX: give yourself the chance for a fresh start

Forgetting your ex does not mean erasing the past, but learning to detach yourself from it to move towards a more serene future.

Therapeutic hypnosis offers a powerful support to release emotions, rebuild yourself and regain confidence in love.

How about taking the first step today?

Our team of hypnotherapists at Solutions Hypnosis, in Quebec, Ontario and by Video is here to support you.

Make an appointment now to create the life you want with hypnosis!

See you soon.

The Solutions Hypnosis team

Consultations in Therapeutic Hypnosis and NLP Coaching in :

  • Gatineau (QC)

  • Cumberland (ON)

  • Montreal (QC)
    (Westmount, Rosemont)

  • Montreal South Shore & Montérégie (QC)
    (Salaberry de Valleyfield, Huntingdon, Beauharnois, La Prairie, Saint-Lambert, Beloeil)

  • and by Video

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